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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Alutrap- Grease Trap -Interceptor?

 Grease Trap / Grease Interceptor is a plumbing device designed to trap Oil / Grease Food Waste to prevent FOG. From contaminating a pipe system or the Public Sewers. 

Why do I need a Grease Trap? Alutrap? Interceptor?

  •  All Food Service Establishments need a grease trap.

  • It prevents liquid FOG (fats, oils & Grease) from entering the drainage system.

  • It is a Regulation FOG must be prevented from contaminating the public sewer.

What specification is acceptable?

  • Will the Grease trap pass a Sewer Misuse inspection?

  • Is it 100% sealed to prevent malodours & leaks When fitted internally?

  • Will maintenance be an issue cost to clean?

  • What is the manufacturer's life expectancy?

  • What are the maintenance issues and repair costs?

  • Research. Ask for other customers you can visit or contact to share experiences and ask your supplier to provide test results and compliance details. 


Correct Sizing -
A Legal Requirement

 Is Correct Sizing Important?

An undersized grease trap will not retain Oil/grease correctly.


Grease trap sizing requires a careful assessment of the type of food and service management in the establishment. Critical information as the care of drain system and training given to staff is important.

Grease traps manufactured outside of UK/EU that do not carry the relevant CE/ UK certification are not permitted. 

Yes. Water Companies prefer Restaurant Operators to provide sizing and design details when installing or replacing a grease trap. However, we provide this as a free service. Aluline, Fabricates Designs and installs, we provide a cleaning service and have relevant licenses to transport waste.


We, if requested, can ensure that all your compliance obligations are satisfied. We will assist you in applying for any approvals required.

Grease Trap Sizing?

As an approved manufacturer, we will provide a sizing calculation under  EN 1825 Parts 1 & 2. This is an essential document as Water Company Inspectors will ask to see it during their routine inspections.

Accurate sizing calculation cannot be authorised unless detailed information on the premises is supplied. 

Free Site Survey 

We provide a nationwide site survey for:

Food Operators •Builders / Contractors •Architects / Engineers

Book your free site survey Today!!



No Blockages, No Bad Odours.

Problem-Free Bio-Mechanical Grease Traps

If you are a busy food operator, you'll know how expensive and disruptive a poorly designed grease trap can be to your business. They can leak, give off foul odors, consume vast amounts of electricity, and require frequent cleaning and emptying? 

Many Restaurant /Food Service Establishments have replaced their outdated/undersized grease trapping equipment and are enjoying the benefits of an ALULINE  ALUTRAP®.


Our valued clients are compliant with wastewater regulations reporting reduced blockages/foul odours, less downtime, and substantial savings compared to other systems.

We are confident that your food operation will benefit from our regular maintenance programme allowing your staff to focus on your core business.


How the ALUTRAP® Works.

As wastewater enters the ALUTRAP® the internal stainless steel baffles reduce the flow allowing the water to cool quickly.  Fat, Oils rise to the surface while some food sinks to the bottom.

ALUZYME bacterial Liquid (not an enzime) is automatically dosed into the unit each evening via a timed dosing station. The micro-organisms in ALUZYME® breaks down and digests organic waste on contact .

There's no moving parts, filters or bags to replace. ALUTRAP® requires no daily maintenance by staff, consumes zero electricity, and can be retrofitted in almost any kitchen (above or below ground). With a 25+ year life expectancy* and a 100% airtight design, ALUTRAP® is a hygienic, long-life, cost-effective interceptor that has thirty years experienceon the market.


The Benefits.

• Simple Maintenance 

• No Smells or Leaks 

• no electricity costs 

• 25 Year Life Expectancy 

• Hygeinic operation 

• Unlimited Support /Staff Training

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